Honestly speaking, I am writing this blog with no particular topic in mind. As i keep typing, a million things keep crossing my mind as the topic with which I should proceed with this post. But none seems to be convincing enough to make a large post worthy enough to become a new entry in the "esteemed" blog :P
Lets see, the one common thing about my blog is that probably, all of the posts in thei blog are written after 2 am on any particular day. Although the clock of blogspot may not show you that, but wen i look at the bottom right corner of my laptop screen, I see the time to be 216 am on the 16th Jan 2009. So, I have kept the tradition (made by only 3 posts) of creating a new entry only after 2 am.
for those of you who had read the blog in the initial stages of its creation, you must have seen the biggest change. no its not the font. No not even the color of the letters. yes, its the background of the blog page. it was one heck of an labourious experiment that i did for close to an hour. A novice like me creating anad implementing a code of dynamic web language, one which i know nothing about. Anyways, here it is. Hope you like it. Do give comments about it and any other suggestions please.
Its really tough to write about something in particular when so much is happening around you and everyday brings some new challenges and tasks that are to be carried out, to the best of your ability. and if you fail to do that, irrespective of the reason(s) for that, you are at the recieving end of the mace of time. Well, before you start the race of the horses in your brains, the above statements are general claims and do not refer to an incident or person in particular. It is just the observation that the year 2009 is not a Happy New Year for me...so far....
The month of January is crucial for so many people. For some it is the last chance to ensure that there boards preparation is rock solid and they only need to revise it all in the last month of Feb. For some, its the time when the winter ends and the cultivable land starts getting fertile again, leading to hopes of a fruitful and prosperous year, better than last year. For some, it brings in the sorrow of loosing in some entrance examinations of different academic and proffessional institutions, which effectively means that they need to wait some more days before they can afford to relax and sleep with a smile. For some its the preparation for the 1st Valentine's Day of their courtship/love life/married life, and they want to make it a memorable one for their loved ones. For some its a crashing month of the stock market, where companies cannot do anything about the slowdown and the pulse rate of many people is going down with the sensex graph. It hearening to see this month meaning so much to so many people. I am feeling humbled and awed about what I aimed to capture and didnt even look like doin it.
Its 236 am now, and I dunno whether I should continue writing or stop it. ut if I have o end, i cud not just abruptly finish off at the next full stop. I need to finish the post in a logical way. Bu since the post never begun with a logic, I dun think it is a simple task to finish it off with a logical conclusion as well. And if I keep on writing, I am running out of any sense to put in the post to make it a better experience for you guys. But again, as this is my blog, finding sense in the posts is something close to finding a needle in a godown of haystacks.
So in ant of the approaches, i guess the best thing is that there is no point continuing with this post, as i have stopped making any sense a long time ago. So here I end this yet another useless post of mine.
Till next time....
So long
PS: Its 241 am now
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