Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Mirage of Perfectionism

Ya right!!! I am a perfectionist. Which literally means that I strive to achieve perfection in everything I do or create. And it is also supposed to be applicable to my relationships and character. So, if I am a successful person, it should imply that I have achieved perfection. If I am a great person than I am perfect individually.

It is so nice to feel like you are complete. That you are the most perfect in your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and relationship management abilities. But if you come to think of it, is there a level of perfection that can be achieved in relationships; or even on the personal level for that matter??

What I have observed in the 24 long years of my life, is that the tendency of any living thing to rule over others which it can, has caused the food chain. Yes, I sincerely beleive that the main cause of food chain is the fact that animals try and establish control over one another. Now, in case of humans, the 'social' and the 'most intelligent' animal, the concept of control has gone out of physical control and moved on to emotional, psychological, personality based and many other forms of supremacy.

All would have been fine, had there not been a case of people working against each other for the control of each other. The way people talk, behave, handle situations, is like they want to prove something, although no one is actually listening.

When I was first introduced to the concept of Impression Management, it struck me with the simple ease of understanding the concept, as it was something we subconsciously do. All of us, every time. But, it took me a lot of time to fathom why we do it. May be because of the reasons I stated above. Or may be something else. I was unable to find out. And I still haven't discovered it.

OK, coming back to the topic of discussion, the belief everyone of has that we are the supreme instance of the human being species, has eventually led us to believe that we are actually perfect. Everyone of us is an expert in giving guidance to the other, thinking that in a situation in which the other person is, I would be able to do better. This is the sense of being complete, being perfect people want to convey to others.

Every other time, I face a case of a person explaining me his/her situation. The reason for this can be many,
  1. A reinforcement of thoughts and beliefs, on the action the person has taken in response to the situation
  2. A need of guidance on how to react to a situation in a better way than what happend
  3. A solution as to how a person should behave when something happens
In any case, the person who acts as a listener, actually takes the position as though he/she is the best person to offer what the questioner needs. This is the sense of perfection I am talking about.


Debolina said...

I would say one thing, which I think human beings refuse to accept- it is the survival of the fittest. That is how the world works. And I believe, that is something no one can change

Divya Tanjore said...

hmmm...Very true and very interesting!!

Unknown said...

hey... very nice thought indeed...
i d like to add another 'perception' to it....
actually achieving perfection by dominating others is a matter of perception. i wudn consider holdin a dominating position as a mark of perfection...wich i feel is the author trying to convey.
it might b possible dat my 23 yrs life tells me this...